Potash soap by 100 g

  Highly concentrated potash soap. Ideal package for small and medium green spaces. With 1 pack of 100 g, approximately 12 liters of water are prepared, ideal for flowering, green and aromatic balcony plants. The soft soap (potassium) is made exclusively from the saponification of vegetable oil and potash, without the addition of chemical substances. The dosage ranges from 7 g to 12 g per liter of water. Use the lowest dosage with temperatures above 25 degrees.

STRONG AND REGENERATING. Potash soap (potassium) is strong on unwelcome guests of plants, such as insects in general, fungi, cryptogams, bacteria and viruses. It is KIND to plants as it improves natural defenses from stress caused by parasitic attacks and thermal and water imbalances.
APPLICATION: The soft soap (potassium) can be used all year round on plants with caterpillars, aphids (plant lice), scale insects, tripods, fungal attacks (leaf spots). Also suitable for leaf washing on plants with sooty mold attacks (citrus fruits, lemons, bay leaves, olive trees) caused by parasitic attacks. Also special for eliminating parasite exudates (honeydew).
Suitable for organic and natural crops.

The Molle lava honeydew soap does not have harmful residues on the plants, as it is totally biodegradable with ZERO DEFICIENCY and therefore can also be used on the same day of harvest.

Our Agronomic service is always available for clarifications and assistance.


No. 3 packs of 100 grams with graduated measuring cup for perfect dosage

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