3 x potash soap limon

The ready-to-use Lemon and Evergreen soft soap is ideal for strengthening the defenses of plants against aphids, scale insects, whiteflies (aleurodids) and mites (red spider mites). It also acts on mite eggs. It cleans the plant from mold and honeydew produced by insects.

Formulated for citrus fruits in general (Lemons, Oranges, etc.) and evergreens.

HOW TO USE: shake well and spray at a distance of about 20 cm from the plant and completely wet the vegetation. For good effectiveness, apply when the insects first appear and repeat every 5 days after the first treatment, until the symptoms disappear. Do not intervene on plants that are hot or exposed to the sun. Carry out the intervention in the coolest hours of the day.
THE TRUE TOTALLY NATURAL ALTERNATIVE. It does not leave toxic residues on the plants and is safe for the user and the environment. ITALIAN PRODUCT for free sale. IT DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY LICENSE but the normal warnings for use.

PACKAGE: OFFER of n. 3 packs of 650ml bottle with trigger head

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