Complete Kit

 Complete Kit Let's grow the vegetable garden with Enrico Albera' - Consisting of 8 kg neem cake, 8 kg granular zeolite, 1 1 kg vegetable garden bioenergizer and 1 500 gram potassium soft soap

Zeolite specially selected for new sowing and planting of flower beds and horticultural plants
It can be mixed in the first centimeters of soil or with the substrate used for repotting, permanently increasing the quality of the rooting substrate
💧Improves the plant's resistance to dryness and increases the porosity and oxygenation of the soil
🍀Retains nutrients in the root area, avoiding their loss through leaching. Reduces the use of fertilizers.
🍀Totally organic: it's a rock; It does not contain salt or other synthetic chemicals in its composition.


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