agricoltura del futuro
Bioki, a range of products that respect the environment
By Federico Spadafora 11 September 2023 [from Agricommercio]

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For Bioki, fertilizing does not just mean nourishing the plants but above all activating the microflora of the soil and at the same time creating greater resistance to the most common pathologies

The range of Bioki products includes highly innovative fertilizers, energizers and invigorators, characterized by high performance capable of increasing quantitative and qualitative yield, respecting the rhythms of nature that go beyond the traditional concept of fertilization.

The boom in sales recorded by Bioki in recent years is due to continuous attention to formulations and high quality.

Among the formulations we find Prodigio Bioki fertilizers obtained from valuable plant substances with a nutritional and biostimulant function, capable of naturally influencing the biochemistry and physiology of plants.

The precious vegetal substances with a high content of humic and fulvic acids are extracted with an exclusive fermentation process thanks to highly innovative technologies, which allow mineral substances with a highly synergistic effect to be combined with the molasses substrate and sugar syrups.

Formulati di alta qualita'

Circular Economy

Bioki has decided to abandon the concept of hypercompetitiveness and embrace that of the circular economy.

Several years ago an Indicod Ecr document said that a good retailer should first and foremost focus on the consumer and his needs. This means abandoning prejudices and old habits because the new consumer purchases with particular criteria and therefore the management method of the different product categories must be changed.

The association of thought with the word Bioki is quality, organic, natural, sustainable, fair, social, community.


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