
Zeolite clinoptilolite Special for vineyards - vignasana

Composition: Matural zeolite 90% mainly clinoliptolite >60%;

cation exchange capacity CSC cmole >+/Kg 160

5 kg bag

Vignasana is a highly micronized microporous powder capable of absorbing high quantities of humidity that deposits on the aerial organs of plants. Totally natural and harmless to humans, useful insects and aquatic organisms, it protects against heat stroke and burns due to excessive sunlight, improves post-harvest shelf life and used with copper products improves and prolongs their effectiveness.

DOSE AND METHOD OF USE: By foliar application 500 g/hl, distribute uniformly on the vegetation every 10/14 days (depending on seasonal trends), from vegetative awakening until shortly before harvest.

Also suitable for radical applications, where it improves permeability, avoids water stagnation and promotes greater aeration. The high cation exchange capacity significantly improves the use of nutritional substances which are sequestered and gradually released.

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