Alcohol vinegard

White vinegar is produced exclusively from sugar beet and is ideal for eco-sustainable cleaning, in fact:
effectively dissolves limescale. Therefore, it is excellent for cleaning bathroom fixtures but also for:

  • descale coffee makers and kettles. ...
  • Soften the laundry. ...
  • Disinfectant. ...
  • Scrape pots and pans. ...
  • Eliminate bad odors. ...
  • Against sink blockages. ...
  • Clean silverware.
  • To eliminate weeds from walkways and garden paths.

White alcohol vinegar is in fact an excellent degreasing, anti-limescale and antibacterial agent, completely non-toxic and ecological.
The smell released during its use is a little unpleasant, but it disappears in a few minutes and is still less strong than wine vinegar
Great savings in packaging as the minimum guaranteed alcohol content is 19 degrees, unlike commercial products which reach 5/6 degrees.
highly concentrated and effective white vinegar
In the kitchen, for cleaning pots and hobs:
In this case, just fill it with about two centimeters of alcohol vinegar and put it on the heat for five minutes.
For encrusted dishes it is possible to make a mixture of vinegar and coarse salt and rub it with a sponge over the dishes and pans, so as to make them shine more than before.
White alcohol vinegar is a valid ally for eliminating any bad odors, but also blockages in the sink drain!
Just heat the vinegar slightly without letting it boil and then pour it down the sink drain to obtain a noticeable improvement. For cleaning silverware and many other uses......

Alcohol vinegar
Vinegar is a natural anti-limescale and polisher, you can use it to clean the steel hob!
After the degreasing phase, put a little white alcohol vinegar on a damp microfibre cloth (or on the area to be treated), massage the surface and rinse carefully.
The action of the vinegar will also serve to remove bad odors such as frying or fish. Then its aroma is not as strong as wine or apple cider vinegar, so it will dissolve more easily.
Furthermore, if you want to have a completely natural alternative to cleaning the stove, you will find the recipe for making an easy and economical DIY degreaser!
White alcohol vinegar can be very useful at home to complete the cleaning of the living room or other environments, thus eliminating bad odors.

🎯 OFFER N. 2 PACKS OF 5 LITERS OF 19 degree white VINEGAR


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