Caolino micronizzato 5 kg

Natural kaolin is a sedimentary rock consisting mainly of kaolinite, an aluminum silicate clay with an earthy and rather soft appearance and is produced by the action of meteoric water on feldspar.

Kaolin is used in numerous human activities, from construction to the production of ceramics and porcelain, even in the medical field. Depending on the area of operation, commercial products change because the properties and the degree of purity are different.

PACKAGING:5 kg bag

Also authorized for use in viticulture and horticulture (tomato), for the protection of bunches from sunburn. Once distributed on the vegetation, it has the property of reflecting sunlight, and has a very high level of protection, resulting in a reduction in sunburn of up to 50 - 70%.

The characteristics of our formulation are:

- high micronization with particles smaller than 2 μm, such that it can be sprayed easily and adhere to the plant, possibly creating a film;

- the film does not interfere with gaseous exchange and transmits photosynthetically active radiation while reducing ultraviolet and infrared radiation at the same time, but interferes and hinders the activity of insects;

- it does not create difficulties for the harvested product, as it is easily eliminated

It is very useful in combating olive and fruit flies in general and reducing fruit drop.

Kaolin (white clay) is used in viticulture and horticulture (tomato), to protect bunches and fruits from sunburn, which is common on these crops.
Once distributed on the vegetation, it has the property of reflecting sunlight, and has a very high level of protection, resulting in a reduction in sunburn of up to 50 - 70%. By reflecting infrared rays, it lowers the temperature of the plant and improves chlorophyll photosynthesis, creating more lush vegetation. The product is finely micronized, avoiding possible abrasions to the equipment, so it is suitable for all types of atomizers; It can be mixed with most pesticides used in agriculture, although it is recommended not to use it with copper-based products as it reduces shielding.
In the case of a mixture, it is dissolved in water first and distributed at a dose of 2-3 kg per hectolitre.
the uniformity of distribution on the vegetation is more important than the application layers. The treated plants have a whitish-milky leaf surface which easily washes away following heavy rainfall.
Distribution, in normal conditions, is recommended in the presence of sunny days with strong radiation, or following summer pruning. The operation can be repeated several times, especially when the whitish color on the vegetation decreases.
In addition to having a protective action against sunburn, kaolin has a collateral action of reducing the population of the olive fly and the vine leafhopper in the presence of thrips (in this case it is necessary to intervene already halfway through flowering).
Repeated treatments have a refreshing, antiperspirant and strengthening action on the leaf cuticle to protect plants from heat stress and burns caused by the sun. Furthermore, it has the characteristic of depositing on the treated surfaces in the form of a thin protective film, and therefore counteracts parasites such as the fruit fly in the laying of eggs on the fruit. The product must be distributed preventively, i.e. before the start of egg-laying (approximately in July-August) and the treatment must be repeated on a monthly basis (September-October and, if the fly infestation continues to be high and the collection is not imminent, even November).
 The use of kaolin is permitted in organic farming.
Also interesting against the walnut fly and the fruit fly and we remember that kaolin was also effective against two other parasites: the pear psyllid and the chestnut wasp. Even in these cases it hinders the laying of eggs on the parts soiled by the treatment.
However, kaolin finds normal application for the protection of fruit trees (and horticultural crops) from heating and burns caused by the sun.
Kaolin is a natural product that protects all fruits and plants from insects, fungi and water stress. On all crops (olive, vine, apple, tomato, etc.) it guarantees greater production and better quality (oil, wine).

Authorized in organic and conventional agriculture as a BIOSTIMULANT

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