
Material of natural origin, deriving from sedimentary rock of calcium phosphate deposits, formed in shallow marine environments and coastal areas. The phosphorus present is mostly in an amorphous state and is known as collophane. The supply of phosphorites in the soil improves root development, increases the consistency of the tissues and increases the energy reserves of the plants, improves flowering and fruit set. Phosphorus in the plant has plastic and energetic functions as it enters the composition of nucleic acids (DNA-RNA) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and it is precisely from this process that the plant draws the energy necessary to carry out the functions of chlorophyll photosynthesis. Its deficiency manifests itself with poor vegetative development of shoots and roots, poor lignification, delayed and poor flowering and in some crops there is also an early loss of leaves.

DOSAGES OF USE: Fruit crops: 5-6 kg/100 m2
Direct distribution: 400-600 g/plant, at the end of autumn.
Vegetables: 5-7 kg/100 m2, distributed when preparing the soil
Composting pile: 3 kg/m3

5 kg pack

Fosforite Naturale



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