
Characteristics: A state-of-the-art formulation with systemic action that can be used both for foliar application and for root applications. MICROFERT PLUS contains the most important microelements useful to the plant in a balanced way, activated by a metabolism regulator. It is indicated in the prevention and treatment of evident deficiencies, but also in cases where the symptoms are not well understood due to overlapping physiopathies. Iron and Copper play a fundamental role in the photosynthetic process, Boron and Zinc stimulate the fruit set and reproduction of young tissues. Magnesium and Manganese are essential for many enzymatic factors. The balanced supply of microelements promotes an optimal nutritional state, giving rise to phenomena of positive interaction with the elements already present.

Composition: Water-soluble copper (Cu) 1%; Water-soluble iron (Fe) 4%; Water-soluble manganese (Mn) 6%; Water-soluble zinc (Zn) 3%;

PACKAGING:  N.2 Boxes of 350 grams


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