Algantis Olivo

About this item
✔️Energizing fertilizer with Boron and Ascophillum Nodosum
✔️Improves flowering, fruit set, growth and quality of the harvest.
✔️Product also allowed in organic cultivations
✔️High content of brown algae and rapidly absorbed boron for optimal formation of flower clusters and fruit setting.
✔️ Algantis olivo can be used both foliarly in the dose of 2.5-3.0 g/litre of water and radically in the dose of 1.5 g/litre of water.
✔️Period of use: Before flowering and from the formation of the fruit to maturation once a month.
✔️Algantis Olivo improves the fertility of the flower and, due to the presence of substances with high biostimulant activity, improves growth and lignification of tissues, improving resistance to biotic and abiotic stress.
PACKAGING: 1 kg bottle


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